Heeeeeey, I’m Grace!

If I leave the legacy I hope to… my gravestone will read:

Kick-ass Mama.

Dope ass writer + content creator.

Proud ass Advocate + Activist.

Healing ass Life Coach + Wounded Healer.

I’m the founder of Out Here Tryna Survive. Over the years, I’ve worn a lot of hats: preacher, teacher, trainer, coach, etc. But the thread that combines them all is my fierce love for trauma survivors, particularly black women.

As a life-long survivor of multiple trauma’s, I am deeply passionate about helping survivors heal from the trauma of abuse: parental, verbal, narcissistic, cultural, societal & more.

I’ve spent my entire lifetime learning to survive amidst Complex PTSD, depression, anxiety & most recently deeply rooted trauma bonds formed out of Narcisisstic Abuse + Domestic Violence.

As a speaker, teacher & mentor to Black college & university students over the years, I learned that my greatest gift & calling is to share my personal story of resilience & bravery in the midst of trauma as vulnerably as I’ve felt safe to do so.

I am no longer in Christian ministry. My ministry now is to focus on women trapped in cycles of abuse & trauma break free, once & for all.


FIRST OF ALL! Thank you for stopping by. You could literally be anywhere on these internet streets. I truly appreciate your time!

Many, many years ago I had a dream of starting an organization that would somehow benefit other trauma survivors, in particular Black Women. The idea sat on a proverbial shelf while two things happened: 1) my life fell apart at the seams & 2) I had no idea how, when or what to do to make this dream come true.

During that time I was coaching, speaking & writing during my tenure as a Black Campus Ministries Director for a faith-based University ministry. I coached black college & university students throughout Michigan, Ohio, W. Virginia & Western Pennsylvania. That time was, and remains to be one of the highlights of my life and an impact I’m most proud of.

Having those leadership experiences early in my career helped crystalize & prepare me for this stage of my life journey: teaching, writing, coaching & creating content exclusively for victims of multiple traumas like myself.

Back in 2015, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I rushed into a relationship with a man I barely knew. We married quickly, got pregnant & then the abuse started. Over time, I developed Acute Stress Disorder, Complex PTSD & severe trauma bonding. I lived with suicidal ideations on & off for years. I hit absolute rock bottom. At the time, I was unaware one could experience that much ongoing trauma & survive.

My rebirth began.

It was the true beginning of understanding my strength & bravery as a survivor. Out Here Tryna Survive was born out of the ashes.

When I knew I was absolutely ready to begin coaching others through their trauma, I vowed that I would always reach to black women enduring the absolute terror of abuse in addition to the trauma of living with misogynoir (violence towards black women in particular) & the constant macro/micro-aggressions we face navigating a world where black women are treated as less than human on GP.

As a survivor, I’ve faced multiple forms of violence in my childhood (verbal, physical, racial & sexual). I grew up to experience rape, a broken marriage, several miscarriages. an abusive marriage & 2nd divorce. I have a lifetime of woundings, 20+ years of therapy experience & a huge motivation to share how I’ve survived.

I don’t write, speak, teach, train, create content nor coach from theory. I coach from lived experience as a black women who’s survived all of it.

Now, I am whole, healed + healing, happy, surviving & thriving very, very imperfectly.

Let me show you through a coaching relationship exactly how I got from there to here.

My coaching is not therapeutic. I am not a therapist. A good coach listens well, asks great questions, leads you to resources & helps hold you accountable. I will refer you out if I feel your issues are above my pay grade.

Let’s book a 30 minute discovery call. I’d love to hear exactly where you’re at in your journey to freedom!

What Black Women Are Saying…

Your work speaks to me so much. It’s helped me recognize my feelings & the experiences have been validated. I’m grateful for your words which resonate with me so much.

— AS

Because of your writing & stories, it’s helped me understand narcissistic abuse & be a better friend in the midst of it. She & her 4 kids are going to make it. THANK YOU!!!!



Thank you for doing what you do. It makes me feel brave enough to share about being a survivor too. I appreciate you.


Thank you so much for helping me leave my abuser. The way you explain things & your advice is so helpful.