A NEW Safe Space for Black Womxn


Black Womxn’s Lives Matter. And that’s on God.

Thus. We need safe spaces within our community to heal.

It takes a village. I didn't begin to love myself enough to leave the man who cheated on me multiple times, humiliated me more times than I can count and who time after time after time narcissistically & verbally abused TF out of me until I was so traumatized I developed a bad case of Complex PTSD....I had damn near every single symptom. Without support & community I would absolutely not have left, let alone healed.

The support of the community I depended on had a few key things in common:

  1. They understood the insidious nature of narcissistic abuse.

  2. They had a working understanding of the impact  of severe verbal abuse.

  3. They knew how to identify abuse & help me find the appropriate next steps.

  4. They listened, empathized & made space for me even though my situation didn't look typical to 'domestic violence,' but absolutely was.

Today is a whole new day. I am a womxn who identified where I didn't love myself enough to create boundaries nor command respect. Now, I've developed self-love habits that keep me rooted in truth. I’ve learned to harness self-love tools which help me self-regulate through panic & anxiety attacks. I gave myself permission to face my trauma & heal from it, even to *gasp* thrive & F L O U R I S H. Hell, I even learned to trust myself enough to trust again.

Introducing... #bwbfree! Black Womxn Breaking Free! (BIPOC/trans & femme), a group/course hybrid welcoming BIPOC, trans & femme’s only. Meeting via a private, paid Facebook group. #BWBFREE is a membership only support & recovery group hosted by trauma-informed Life Coach, writer + Advocate, Grace Sandra & supported by OHTS Coaching, LLC. Offering support, training & community, we are a safe space for trauma survivors of narcissistic, verbal or any type of abuse, domestic violence, trauma bonding, Complex PTSD & Misogynoir.

If you are trauma survivor looking for ...

  1. Community. But also, community who understands your particular pain points & trauma.

  2. A safe space to address issues germane to being BIPOC, trans &/or femme.

  3. A place to discuss everyday Misogynoir.

  4. A space to learn emotional regulation & distress tolerance. A space to learn real tools to help us get through day-to-day.

  5. A safe space to acknowledge our trauma's whether it's abuse, domestic violence, our parents’ rage, homophobia, transphobia, etc.

We will meet twice weekly in the privacy of a secret FB group via a Sunday morning training session (using LIVE) & Thursday, rooms. You do not need to be present at the time of training as all will be archived in the group along with a myriad of resources & helpful tips to get through trauma. As our group grows, so will the resources available.

As a trauma-informed life coach, you will have access to me via the group & my DM’s. I’m not offering this level of engagement outside the group at this time, unless you are a client of mine.

Why keep suffering through serious issues without the support & love of a PRIVATE safe space made by us, for us?

For more information on why I’m doing this + the curriculum for the first few months, check out my YouTube video below! If you’re ready to join sign up here!

Grace Sandra

Mama. Writer. Advocate. Coach.


Self-Care for Beginners